Dedicated to improving the built environment
Florida’s local version of the NGBC “green” certification is becoming increasingly popular with both consumers and local authorities. Many communities (such a the prestigious and popular Lakewood Ranch) now require FGBC certification as mandatory for every new home. Other communities and builders use this certification to get that “marketing edge”.
FGBC Certification
In keeping with the organization’s mission, FGBC has developed green certification programs that apply to construction projects and local government operations. Seeking FGBC certification demonstrates a commitment to providing your customers with products or services that are green and sustainable.
When you participate in one of our certification programs, you are assured that the elements of the program have been developed by experts who understand how to address the unique environmental and climatic characteristics of Florida. You will also find these programs easy to use as they take into account the unique nature of every different project, allowing you to adapt your plans to best address the overall goals of the program.
Green Home Certification Standard
Florida’s most popular and successful residential certification program is builder friendly and results in homes that are energy and resource efficient as well as healthier for its occupants.
Hi-Rise Residential Standard
A certification program specifically for buildings above three stories, it helps owners integrate proven and cost-effective green building strategies during the design and construction of their buildings.
Green Development Standard
This program encourages preservation of green space and natural resources, creation of safe, walkable communities, and the education of community residents in sustainable living practices.

By participating in any of these programs, builders, developers and government officials can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and their residents’ welfare. In addition, by earning FGBC certification, you distinguish your project or community in a better light. Third-party certification pays big dividends with customers, elected officials and local citizens. The organization regularly conducts training sessions for these programs, and carefully monitors policy compliance in the rating process.

The Benefits of Certified Green Homes
During the last decade there have been impressive advances in the way homes are constructed, especially as it applies to the areas of technology and building science. But the application of these practices can vary greatly from one builder to another. As a result, FGBC has created green building standards that allow it to certify that a builder has applied the industry’s best practices for sustainable, green construction in Florida.
Benefits to the homebuyer
- Enhances the profitability of resale
- Enhances the affordability of operation
- Enhances the indoor air quality of the home
- Increases the durability of the home
- Provides for greater access to mortgage money
Benefits to the home builder
- Gain valuable promotion and advertising
- Differentiate your home from the competition
- Homebuyers link green home features with quality
- Increase customer referrals
- Add to the marketing value of your homes
- Reduce builder callbacks
Benefits to the builder
- Conservation of water resources
- Management of waste and stormwate
- Provide / maintain affordable housing
- Maintain affordable and reliable energy sources